Dear friends and supporters,
for all of us, including Fondazione Milan and its projects, the 2019-20 season was heavily impacted by the Covid-19 emergency.
Thanks to everyone’s efforts, we have been able to overcome the challenge which has affected not just Italy, one of the countries worst hit by the crisis in terms of both infections and, unfortunately, deaths, but continues to impact the whole world.
We hope this pandemic can be dealt with as swiftly as possible so that life can return to how it was.
This year we met 2,914 kids, through 18 projects we carried out in relation to the “Sports for All”, “Sport for Change” and “Fondazione Milan in the Community” programs. Furthermore, we were involved in 4 projects to contrast the Covid emergency: one medical, to support the medical professionals on the front line, and three to assist with the financial and food emergencies which were a result of the lockdown.
Sport for All
- 4 stations
- 6 Special Camps
Sport for Change
- 1 station
- 1 new sport centre
- 6 encounters, either at the schools or by video conference to meet and talk to the youngsters
- Supporting AREU with medical cars and first aid equipment
- Sustaining the “prevention plan” promoted by Alice for Children in Nairobi, Kenya to support youngsters during the Covid-19 emergency.
- Helping Food for Policy in the distribution of foodstuffs to over 5,000 families
- Donation of an insulated vehicle to the Lombardy Food Bank to support the distribution of over 100,000 meals a day
We would have liked to do much more but were forced to postpone many projects which became impossible due to the Covid-19 emergency.
We would like to thanks the project partners like Fondazione Ebbene, CSV Dar Voce, Progetto AITA, Playmore!, ASD Europa who got involved with us.
We would like to thank the many companies that supported us with financial and good donations over the months. Without their support, achieving Fondazione Milan’s “mission” would have been a lot harder.
The support for these projects through the auctions of memorabilia and exclusive experiences donate by AC Milan and its players: this year we raised over 78,000 euros.
We would like to thank all who participated in the auctions for the exclusive gear and the meetings with their heroes: their contribution has helped realize the dreams of many young athletes.
Now, we are ready to begin once again with the new season; a season rich in projects and activities to support marginalized youths so they can take control of their lives through sport.
Thank you… ready to return to the field!