Proseguono gli incontri organizzati dalla onlus rossonera e Vita tra i campioni dello sport rossonero e gli studenti del territorio lombardo
The activities centred around Fondazione Milan in The Community, proposed by the Rossoneri’s charitable organisation in collaboration with Vita, have continued. In them, AC Milan’s male and female players chat to students from the Lombardy region and answer their questions.
Following on from Valentina Bergamaschi and Alessia Piazza, it was Lucas Biglia and Matteo Gabbia’s turn. On Thursday 4 June, the defender and midfielder both tuned into a webinar, ‘Sport changes life’, with about 200 youngsters who attend the courses and activities that are organised by the Cometa organisation.
Cometa is an entity of groups which focuses on welcoming children and young people with the aim of learning to grasp the meaning and beauty of life, which we can find in the sharing of everyday life. Other activities to help study, recreation and sports have been developed over time stemming from this educational passion. The Oliver Twist School was inaugurated within the Cometa complex in 2009, it is a Professional Training Institute that offers four-year courses (textiles, wood and catering) to students between 14 and 18 years of age, providing educational and rehabilitative paths.
Lucas and Matteo answered the students’ many questions, stressing how passion is necessary to nurturing and pursuing their dreams; tackling challenges and, above all, facing the most difficult moments are crucial with the knowledge that after days in the dark, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
“I’ve always tried to play football with passion and grasp every opportunity, believing that each one could be my last chance,” said Argentine midfielder Lucas Biglia to those listening. “Ever since I was a child, I’ve given my all, especially when it comes to the toughest moments, because when you give your all, you won’t have any regrets. I’ve met a lot people who have helped me in my growth, people who above all have shown me my mistakes: this has been fundamental to becoming what I am and to finding my balance, my peace of mind. This is the key, to give your best in everything you do whilst being at peace with yourself.” Biglia then added that “you should never be satisfied because the desire to improve every aspect of life is the spark that always makes you give that little bit extra. Out on the pitch, the thing that counts most is always being myself, being Lucas, regardless of the fame and fortune that football has given me.”
Matteo Gabbia echoes those sentiments commenting how necessary it is “to seek happiness in what you do. We don’t always manage to achieve our goals and succeed, but if we face our tasks with love and passion, we must not have regrets.” The young defender, prompted by a question, recalled his AC Milan debut against Torino: “I made my debut in front of my grandfather, who had been a season ticket holder for fifty years and always sat in the same place. It was perhaps the greatest feeling of my life. My grandparents have always been very important to me, as well as my parents, who taught me respect and courtesy. I always try to do my best and every day I work hard to become a better player and fulfil my potential.”