Dopo mesi di grandi sacrifici per tutti, il mondo delle aziende è pronto a ripartire con ancor più determinazione.
Per accelerare la ripresa, diventa necessario per le imprese il poter sviluppare il proprio business all’interno di una community sana e virtuosa. È con questi presupposti che AC Milan ha deciso di organizzare un’iniziativa unica nel suo genere: l’AC Milan Business Forum, un evento virtuale aperto a tutte le aziende del territorio nazionale, che condividano come noi e i nostri partner valori primari dello sport, come l’importanza del gruppo, lo spirito di abnegazione e il lavoro di squadra.
L’evento, previsto per il 14 luglio, si svolgerà interamente in forma digitale, grazie a una piattaforma ad hoc, semplice e intuitiva. Con pochi click si avrà accesso ad una community di decision maker aziendali, con i quali entrare in contatto durante l’evento. Sono previste sessioni one-to-one da 30 minuti, dove ogni azienda avrà la possibilità di entrare in contatto con nuovi clienti e/o fornitori. Durante tutto l’evento, inoltre, verranno proposte interessanti presentazioni aziendali, per essere aggiornati sulle best practice di settore.
After months of great sacrifices for everyone, the business world is ready to start again with even more determination. To accelerate the recovery, it’ll be necessary for companies to be able to develop their business within a healthy and open community. It’s with these assumptions that AC Milan have decided organise a unique initiative: the AC Milan Business Forum, a virtual event open to all companies in Italy, who share our and our partners’ primary values of sport, such as the importance of the group, self-sacrifice and teamwork.
The event, scheduled for 14 July, will take place entirely in a digital form, thanks to an ad hoc, simple and intuitive platform. With just a few clicks you’ll have access to a community of corporate decision makers, whom you can contact during the event. There will also be one-on-one sessions of 30 minutes in which each company will have an opportunity to get in touch with new customers and/or suppliers. Throughout the event there will also be interesting company presentations to keep you up to date with the best practices of the industry. Your company can’t miss out.
Here are the main features of the AC Milan Business Forum:
- A completely digital event with dedicated web platform
- Flexibility: decide in advance when and how to participate
- Quick access to a community of corporate decision makers
- New contacts for your business
- An invitation valid for up to 5 people from the same company
The event will also be sprinkled with other special moments: about Fondazione Milan, the general secretary will talk about present and future of the foundation. This is the chance to know more the activities of the red&black NPO and also for a Q&A sessions.
Visit businessforum.acmilan.com to get all the details about the event and how to register. For more information, please contact businessforum@acmilan.com.