Today, the second meeting between Fondazione Milan and some secondary school classes was held, dedicated to the theme “Values and talent“, an initiative organised as part of the project “Costruire Futuro, Insieme!” by ActionAid and Fondazione Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in partnership with Fondazione Milan.
The guest of honour was Franco Baresi, Honorary Vice-President of AC Milan and Ambassador of Fondazione Milan, who met the young people of the Rizza Institute in Syracuse, the Volta High School in Reggio Calabria and the Casanova Institute in Naples, telling them about himself through his book “Libero di sognare”, published in 2021.
From the very beginning, Franco has known the football of “gentle courage” and, just as he recounted it in the book, so he did again today in front of the students in the meeting held at a distance.
He talked about his journey through the stages of an extraordinary career, revealing the emotions that accompanied the brilliant victories and the moments of crisis. A long journey of freedom and passion. Until the farewell match in October 1997 and the first unforgettable retirement of a great jersey of Italian football: the number 6 of Milan.
Together with the moderator of the meeting Giuseppe Frangi, the Rossoneri legend brought out many important aspects of his life: the determination and commitment that turn dreams into goals, the difficulties he encountered in his professional career (and not only) and the importance of never losing sight of one’s values.
“When I was a child I didn’t think I would become what I later became. Never settle, be ambitious in life. You can always learn something from all the situations and people you meet on your path. Each of us has a passion within us, it is you who must try to realise it by setting yourself goals, the important thing is to be able to do so while remaining yourself without looking for shortcuts. In a world like today’s, which is constantly trying to change us, being yourself is already a success.
With reference to the retirement of the jersey he says: “it was a surprise for me too, it fills me with pride for all that I have given to the club in 20 years of career. It’s a gesture that goes beyond the successes and trophies I’ve lifted and represents my legacy on a human level.
As in the meeting with the AC Milan women’s first team, the boys and girls were curious about the subject today, asking many questions that brought out the values conveyed by football and sport in general. For Baresi, sport is a very important vehicle for young people, “we often forget how much we are followed and the responsibilities we have in front of the children. Our behaviour is important!
Franco left the meeting with a wish for the boys and girls present and for all the new generations: “when I wrote this book I said that if I had been an inspiration to even just one person, then I would have been happy. I hope that this talk will be an inspiration for your growth and that you will be able to achieve everything you want in life‘.