Guido was not just a ‘coach,’ Guido was for everyone “The Coach.” A man who always loved young people, with a visceral passion for soccer and in particular for the Rossoneri colors. For years he coached the Real San Felice football team, a sports reality where he met many young people, having fun with them and motivating them to give 100% on and off the field, all of whom quickly became friends of the Mister! Many of them changed their attitude thanks to meeting Guido; some of them risked losing their way, due to personal vicissitudes or life contingencies, but the Mister always tried to do his part, never shirking his relationship with the youngsters, giving them a chance for redemption, an opportunity to confront themselves and others, to put themselves (and return!) on the field, thus giving, through their contribution to the team, a contribution to themselves as well (and not only!) Guido, The Coach, was (is!) a reference point for many of those who knew him. Isn’t that what every person seeks? Someone who loves you for who you are, who brings out your talents, and who also embraces your flaws almost enhancing them as your strengths. At times, it is difficult to recover from such an important loss that leaves tangible marks in the lives of so many, but thanks to the support of so many friends (including non-Redoneri), Guido’s memory was honored from the very beginning. At the beginning of September 2021, a beautiful gathering in his memory was organized by his partner Simona, together with his daughters Michela and Carolina, with the collaboration and great support of the Association “Quei Bovi di San Bovio”, of which Guido was a beloved member by all, a nonprofit association that does volunteer work and organizes social events with the aim of aggregating and improving the community of San Bovio. That day brought many fruits: many donations were made in Guido’s memory to support the “Sport for All” project of the Milan garrison, so that many kids could play sports and live life in a more carefree way. If you want to donate again, so that the boys of “Sport for All” can continue their adventure, you can do so…and Guido Il Mister will be happy!
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