On Wednesday 25 May at 6 p.m. (with admission from 5 p.m.) the exclusive sporting event “In campo per la Vita” will be held at the San Siro Stadium in Milan in support of maternity and childhood.
Based on an idea by Luigi Giovinazzo, president of Soleto S.p.A., the teams of Soleto S.p.A., the GB Fast team, the Fondazione Milan team and the Milan Equestrian Centre team will take to the pitch “In campo per la Vita”.
The charity initiative, in support of the Mangiagalli Life Support Centre, Fondazione Milan and ASBBI (Bardet-Biedl Italy Syndrome Association), will see the participation of the historic Banda d’Affori.
The ceremony will begin with a greeting from the Episcopal Vicar for the City of Milan, Monsignor Carlo Azzimonti, followed by Simona Tironi, Regional Councillor, Vice-President of the 3rd Permanent Commission for Health and Social Policies. Also playing in the Soleto S.p.A. team will be the Chaplain of the Milan Polyclinic, Don Marco Gianola.
Before the kick-off, for which Franco Baresi is scheduled, some children from the Centro di Aiuto alla Vita Mangiagalli and ASBBI accompanied by their mothers/parents will enter the field, directly from the official corridors, fulfilling their dream of walking in the footsteps of the greatest champions in the history of football.
The matches, each lasting about 20 minutes, will be interspersed with entertainment, music and surprises. In fact, the participation of Rossoneri guests, sports journalists and radio announcers is planned. All of them have given their availability to participate for free with great enthusiasm. The guests will all be in the red stand with a privileged view of the San Siro, the greatest emotion for every football fan.
“Today more than yesterday, choosing life,” declares Simona Tironi, vice-president of the 3rd Commission for Health and Social Policies, “is one of the most courageous decisions that every woman, every mother, can make. ‘The CAVs do an important job in supporting mothers,’ Tironi continues, ‘accompanying them on that long nine-month journey that leads to the birth of a child. Charity events such as this one,’ Tironi concludes, ‘are very important, because they raise awareness and inform women of the opportunity that CAVs provide, which is to never feel alone throughout the pregnancy journey. I am the mother of a beautiful six-year-old girl,’ Tironi concludes, ‘so I know what it means to face a pregnancy. For this a huge thank you to the CAVs’.
‘I have always supported young people not only for charitable activities but also in the company,’ says Cav. Luigi Giovinazzo, President of Soleto S.p.A. and creator of the event. So many young people work with me. Children, young people are our future’.
“It’s an event that really involves everyone, young and old,’ says Dr. Soemia Sibillo, Director of the Centro di Aiuto alla Vita Mangiagalli in Milan. I would like to thank the authorities, the players, the volunteers, the supporters and all the guests who have joined in without hesitation and with great sensitivity, it will be a great celebration in support of our children, true champions of Life!” – concludes Sibillo.
“It is with great enthusiasm that we take the field for this initiative which,” says Fondazione Milan Secretary General Rocco Giorgianni, “gives strength to our mission and our goals: to support, through sport, children and their dreams.”
“Our children and families want to thank Luigi Giovinazzo and all the people who made themselves available for this beautiful day of celebration,” says Luciana Pacelli, president of ASBBI. “Unfortunately, those affected by rare diseases such as Bardet Biedl syndrome are often forgotten, but today is one of those beautiful days when our children are visible and live an unforgettable experience.
Also speaking at the awards ceremony will be the President of the Policlinico di Milano, Marco Giachetti, and sports journalist Tiziano Crudeli.
Participation in the event is by invitation only.