On Friday 24 and Saturday 25 May, the second edition of “Nessuno in Panchina” (No One on the Bench) took place at the ASD Domio sports facilities. The initiative was promoted by the Fondazione Pietro Pittini together with the Fondazione Milan and sponsored by the Sport For Inclusion Network. During the two-day event, a training session was held on the morning of Saturday 25 May, where local coaches and technicians, supported by the staff of Fondazione Milan, had the opportunity to acquire practical and operational skills on the topic of inclusive sport.

The event also gave space to 177 girls and boys from sports associations of the province of Trieste (ASD Domio Calcio, Sant’Ignazio, CGS, Tanai,Zaule Rabuiese, San Daniele), with dedicated training sessions held on the afternoons of both Friday 24 and Saturday 25 May. These sessions were specifically designed and structured by the coaches to ensure that no one was left on the bench. Children and young people participated in the initiative with great enthusiasm and interest.
This project highlighted the importance of an educational approach that promotes access to sport for everyone, helping to create a more inclusive and welcoming sporting environment.

Fondazione Milan is a non-profit organization linked to the broader context of Responsibility and Social Sustainability of the Milan Group. Founded in 2003 with the desire to meet the needs of the community, particularly those in disadvantaged situations, it focuses its work on initiatives and projects that use sport and its values to help young people in difficulty build a better future. In nearly twenty years of activity, more than 210 projects have been carried out in 20 countries, with over €12m distributed. Through sport, it supports all children and young people hindered by pressing social issues, such as poverty, violence, and discrimination.
Fondazione Pietro Pittini reaches out to young people in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region to offer opportunities for emancipation, educational and employment growth as well as personal empowerment by proposing and supporting philanthropic interventions aimed at combating educational poverty and social exclusion. The Foundation operates by developing targeted pathways, based on the needs and age groups of the beneficiaries, while also selecting and supporting impactful projects and social innovations focused on four reference drivers: art, science, sport, and entrepreneurship.
Sport for Inclusion Network ETS is a second-level association among foundations that promote and support sport as a tool for social and economic inclusion.
The Network promotes collaboration among foundations and other Terzo Settore organisations and the world of sports. It stems from the belief that the growing urgency of social needs and the magnitude of challenges we face necessitate a collaboration that can pool resources and expertise, integrating the mandate that each foundation independently pursues.
ASD Domio is a football ASD (Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica) in Trieste, founded in 1976. Since its establishment, the goal of the founding members has been to make athletes and their families feel at home. Today, the club covers all age groups, from “pulcini” (3-6 years old) to the first team (under 30). In 2023, the Foundation became acquainted with and supported this reality through the Sport4All project, which covered the costs of 2 UEFA D coaching licenses. Their willingness to give back to the Foundation was evident from the start, as they enthusiastically agreed to host this event proposed by us at their facility.