Nine months after its launch, Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio, AC Milan Vice President Franco Baresi and representatives of Fondazione Milan and Fondazione CDP visited the Campania branch of the project
Milan, 21 November 2023 – The collaboration between Fondazione Milan and Fondazione CDP continues: together with the Italian Ministry of Justice, both are engaged in the “Play for the Future” project, which aims to rehabilitate young people in the penal circuit through sports education and professional orientation.
Nine months since the start of the activities, which are taking place in the cities of Bari, Catania, Naples and Palermo, the partners met at the Kodokan Sport sports centre at Piazza Carlo III in Naples. Together, they shared the initial findings of a process that will accompany the beneficiaries until June 2024.
The following persons were present at the event: Italian Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio; Naples City Councillor for Youth Policies, Chiara Marciano; the Chief of the Department for Youth and Community Justice, Antonio Sangermano; an AC Milan’s delegation consisting of Honorary Vice President Franco Baresi and Fondazione Milan’s General Secretary, Rocco Giorgianni; Leonilde Vitolo, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Fondazione CDP, chaired by CDP Chairman Giovanni Gorno Tempini.
The first findings were presented through the Social Impact Assessment analysis being carried out on the project in collaboration with Associazione ISNET so that its benefits and results can be measured and evaluated. The 57 participants involved – all males and most of them minors (70%) – are now regularly playing sport, holding job interviews and pursuing career pathways. Previously, only 8.3% had regularly practiced sport and 5.6% had entered the world of work.
Qualitatively, since the start of the project, the analysis revealed that there has been a general improvement in the boys’ psychological conditions: their behaviour and attitudes are characterised by greater openness to dialogue, an increase in their self-esteem and confidence in both themselves and their project leaders, and a growth in their social and interpersonal skills. A greater ability to keep commitments and assess their limits and needs, as well as to reflect on the reasons that led to them committing their offences, also emerged.

These results reflect the positive impact on the beneficiaries’ growth and empowerment processes with one of the project’s primary objectives in mind, namely reducing the risk of reoffending.
Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio, on the Play for the Future project: “At a time when we observe, with concern, the increase of minors in criminal circuits, investing in probation means investing in the rehabilitation of our youth, providing them with new opportunities, also for life. Sport, along with work, is essential for the purpose of reeducation. With projects like this, we take on the stories of these young individuals, not just their mistakes, thus attempting to remove the obstacles that limit the equality of citizens, as mandated by the Constitution
Franco Baresi, Honorary Vice President of AC Milan, stated: “This project once again testifies to how sports serve as a vehicle for very important positive values for youths. The stories of these young individuals and the results achieved in the first months of their journey highlight how sports activities can have a tangible impact on their lives, enabling them to dream big and lay the foundations for a better future.”

Rocco Giorgianni, Secretary General of Fondazione Milan, added: “Nine months into the project, the results presented today are the initial successes of a journey through which we aim to give many young people the opportunity to reclaim their lives. I want to thank the Ministry of Justice and Fondazione CDP, with whom we share the awareness that sports can be one of the most effective tools for triggering concrete social change.”
Giovanni Gorno Tempini, CDP Chairman, said: “The issue of juvenile social inclusion is one of Fondazione CDP’s strategic priorities. Supporting young offenders on probation through activities aimed at helping them rediscover their values and self-awareness means guaranteeing them better prospects and equal opportunities in society, a prerequisite we are committed to creating for all young people in our country,”.
The project is part of the ‘Sport for Change‘ programme, through which Fondazione Milan uses sport as a means of educating and empowering the talents of young people at risk of social exclusion.