Sport for All – Playmore! is an integrated sport project that enables people with and without disabilities to take the field together to promote social cohesion and inclusion through sport.
The activities of the PlayMore! project are carried out in close cooperation with city and supra-city organisations that promote services and projects aimed at people with disabilities.
Playmore! involves many sports fans of all ages, genders, abilities and nationalities in social aggregation projects and events.
Through its Sport for All programme, the Fondazione Milan has been committed for years to promoting access to and support for the practice of sport in inclusive contexts for children with disabilities.
There are many sports that children can practice thanks to the project: football, fencing, gymnastics, beach volleyball, multisports and, at five dedicated times during the year, the Blind Sport Days, for the blind and visually impaired.
The children can vary and have plenty of choice. Fortunately, all activities have resumed, all courses are running regularly with individual exercises outdoors: on the track, under the gazebos and on the sports fields.
The BeachVolleyball course, which moves to another indoor facility in winter, has been converted to outdoor motor activity so that the group is involved and can continue with the activity.
The activities of the Sport for All project will resume in 2021 and continue in the cities of Reggio Emilia, Rome and Catania.
Let’s team up together!